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The Blues Clues

By Melinda Lancaster

The Christian Online Magazine -

I Samuel 1:8-15

I cannot recall the first time it happened to me, but I am certain I did not have a clue as to how I could go to sleep and awaken in what seemed to be a desolate and secluded land. One moment I was living in the aftermath of all the holiday hoopla, and the next moment I found myself in an entirely different world.

All the joy drained out of me, and my smile seemed forever lost. I could not eat, could not sleep, and could hardly form a thought that seemed worth thinking. I tried to slap on a smile, but could not find one lying around. I tried to sleep both day and night, but rest could not be found. It was as if the world had gone from beautiful vivid colors to a cold and misty blue, and I was lost in this far away place not knowing what to do.

My Christian friends seemed distant and aloof, and I was equally distant too. I was very frightened by what I felt as it was out of character for me, and all I could think about was getting back to the place that I had been before everything turned "blue."

What could this be? Was there sin in my life? Had I fallen away from the Lord? People were starting to notice the difference in me and though they whispered, I heard every word. Christians are wonderful people gifted in many ways, but they are terrible investigators. They missed some very important clues as to what I was suffering from…it was not sin…it was "the blues."

It happened to a woman named "Hannah" as the story in First Samuel 1 so aptly tells. She was weeping, had no appetite, and felt terrible anguish each year that she traveled up with her husband to worship in Shiloh. She was barren, and the trip brought it all "home" to her annually. Yet with all of the clues surrounding her, the spiritual leadership was so undiscerning that he accused her of being drunk! Not too sharp on his part…but before we get to tough on Eli, how often do we act in the same spirit? I believe it is something called, "being judgmental," and we are often guilty of it ourselves. We reject all of the "clues" and have no time for people to have the "blues," so we try to label it a sin.

I am not sure we realize that our labels cause people much pain. A person with a simple case of the "blues" can be pushed to a place of "depression" by our clueless attitudes. We do not just do it to each other–we can even push ourselves there needlessly. If we do not pick up the "blues clues," we can be pretty hard on ourselves and instead of taking a slow voyage back to a place I will call "normalcy," we can send ourselves to places we did not need to go…at least not this trip.

I think that almost everyone has at some time had a case of "the blues." Most of us have a case more than once in our lives and for some of us, it comes at the same time every year. Do we shake our heads in wonder? Do we go through the same self-flogging routine? Or do we begin to notice the "blues clues," and accept them as a part of the normal human experience for others and ourselves?

Maybe, after some investigation, you can find "blues clues" in your life today–some of you have been missing the clues for awhile. You have experienced the "blues" before and to you, I offer these words: Just a little while longer, and you will finally be back to yourself once more. For you who may be seeing these "clues" for the very first time, let me assure you that they will go the same way that they came. Your place is in the Arms of Jesus until your world changes once again from the misty "blues" into the lively colors of life.


Father God, I will be the first to say that I hate it when I experience "the blues." I do not want to accept them as part of life but I know that they are. Please help us not to be "clueless" but to see the signs in our lives and the lives of others. And help us not to be too proud to come to the aid of someone who might not have the experience that we do with the "blues."

Thank You for holding us closely to You at all times.

In Jesus’ Name!


Copyright 2003 by Melinda Lancaster

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